This website is the property of BRICKLEAD, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 100,000 Euros, whose registered office is located at 1 allée Gabriel Lippmann, 56000 VANNES, registered with the Vannes Trade and Companies Register under number 950 817 551 represented by Jérôme Bazin in his capacity as Chairman and Publication Manager.

Company: OVH
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59053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1
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The data posted on the website are intended to present the company Bricklead. Their accuracy is periodically checked and updated regularly. Errors or omissions beyond the control of the company Bricklead may however occur in the pages of its site. In any case, the responsibility of the company Bricklead can not be held liable for any direct or indirect (including any financial loss, commercial loss of program or data) resulting from the use of its site and the use of data and information posted online.

The company Bricklead also disclaims any liability for any damages related to the use of hyperlinks posted on its site and the consultation of sites to which they refer. It is expressly recalled that the company Bricklead has no control or responsibility over the content of these sites. It is therefore the responsibility of each user to take the necessary precautions to ensure that the site selected is not infected with viruses or other damaging parasites.

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